People may benefit from counselling when they:

  1. Need to speak things through in a safe and confidential space to gain better clarity.
  2. Need to uncover and give new meaning to stories from their past.
  3. Need to heal painful and overwhelming feelings and emotions.

We can personalise the sessions to suit you as my training covers a broad range of techniques, with the client being at the centre of how I develop my style.

In counselling you can expect:

  1.  Support to explore the web of your internal world.
  2. Conversations of discovery to heighten awareness that leads to effective action.
  3. A relaxing, soothing and safe setting to empower you to take back control of your life.


What is the difference between coaching and counselling? Counselling can be useful when something is holding you back and you are not ready to play the game fully; coaching can be helpful for people who are ready to be in the game and play but need to learn how they can maximise their performance.

ADHD Coaching offers:

  1. Helpful information about ADHD.
  2. Structure and strategies to minimise the impact of ADHD symptoms.
  3. Tools to shift your focus from ADHD problems to personal and character strengths.

‘When I contacted Avremi, he was able to fit me in very quickly, despite having a busy schedule.
He is warm and friendly and very gentle with my child, encouraging him to open up.
He also has lots of experience in working with other agencies, which means he can see the bigger picture.
I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Avremi as a counsellor. ‘

‘I would enthusiastically recommend Avremi to anyone who is looking for support… he really cares, and he wants all his clients to succeed and be the best that they can be. He is a great source of comfort and a great listener – we always felt heard and supported. Anyone would be very lucky to work with Avremi.’


Nonviolent resistance or NVR is a therapeutic intervention that helps manage violence and controlling behaviours in children and adolescents. NVR, which was developed by Professor Chaim Omer of Tel Aviv University, is also used to help children who suffer from anxiety disorders.

There are four evidence-based studies which show that NVR brings about a significant reduction in violent behaviours and anxiety in children.

NVR looks at 3 shifts:

  1. Shifting from managing challenging behaviour to re-establishing the relationship.
  2. Shifting from domination and manipulation in the moment to de-escalating in the moment.
  3. Shifting from trying to manage situations in the moment to finding an effective time for cooperative reasonable dialogue later.

In my NVR practice I offer coaching to empower parents to retake their appropriate parental role, defuse volatile situations and regain parental authority.

What parents say about their experience with NVR:

‘Avremi is a brilliant NVR practitioner. He has a deep understanding of human nature and is able to accurately grasp and size up all the situations we have presented and then dissect them down to their parts and provide clear advice and guidance on how best to proceed.

But where I really value Avremi, even more than in the above mentioned areas, is in his incredible insight that inspired a paradigm shift in my perception of the situation and family dynamics, and the value and importance of me just existing in my child’s life as a parent. Avremi explained so clearly and succinctly how parents cannot change a child. We can only control how we act and respond, and with the right guidance, this will be the appropriate reaction for the situation. This may or may not eventually effect a change in the child, but that is not in our control and we must release ourselves from the pressure and stress of feeling we must change our child. We can’t; only he can do that.’

‘By coaching us to implement the NVR approach, Avremi has enabled us to restructure our relationship with our child. We have gained understanding and compassion for our son, hence empowering a much healthier relationship with him.’

‘Avremi displays a great deal of patience and his professionalism really enhanced our process. He works holistically with the child, parents, school and other external professionals so that the child’s experience and development is a wholesome one.’

‘Avremi is very clear about NVR and is able to impart definitive steps and procedures to empower the parent, whilst simultaneously maintaining equilibrium and respecting everyone in their position in the family.’

‘Avremi is a very talented and effective therapist and NVR practitioner. He helped us get through a very difficult time with kindness, guidance, and compassion. He really cared about the work and definitely gave his all to every conversation we had. It is obvious that he is talented at what he does and that he has gone through extensive training.’


I have a highly effective collaboration with the Dr Giaroli and Associates Clinic (a team of child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrists) whereby I conduct a pre-assessment prior to your visit with the psychiatrist.

As part of this process, and through the lens of my extensive experience in ADHD and autism, I carry out observations and interview the family and school. My pre-assessment speeds up the diagnostic journey and is trusted by the psychiatrists to assist them in making an informed diagnosis with a greater amount of information gathered in a shorter amount of time.

Our cooperation over the implementation and overseeing of the treatment plan makes a successful outcome more likely.

Avremi is very experienced and thorough in his assessments which makes the diagnostic process much smoother. I am always positively impressed by his detailed reports and the amount of valuable and relevant information they contain.  The range of therapeutic interventions he can offer to young people and their parents provide great support and continuity of care.

Dr Federico Campos MD MSc

Child, Adolescent & Adult Psychiatrist

I have known Avremi for quite some time. He has helped us on a number of occasions in understanding some of our girls. In all our dealings with Avremi, he has been professional, confidential, and knowledgeable. He has excellent links with Dr Giaroli and Associates, and has enabled us to benefit from their expertise as well. His working with parents has been effective and pleasant.

Rabbi Y Katz

Principal, Ateres High School, Gateshead.

I am amazed by Avremi’s broad knowledge and clarity alongside his passion and drive to help his clients succeed.

Teacher of Assessed Child

What we were most impressed about was how Avremi’s work was able to lead to our son being medicated. Avremi works collaboratively with very highly respected psychiatrists and is able to prepare our case so that it can be dealt with in a swift, professional and timely manner. Dealing with a psychiatrist can be daunting and it can be difficult to know if we have communicated our problem to the psychiatrist sufficiently, and for us to know that we have properly understood the diagnosis and treatment plan. Avremi has filled this gap. We felt confident that our son’s presentation was properly relayed, and that the diagnosis was properly relayed back to us.

Parent of Assessed Child


Most, if not all, parents, teachers and carers will handle situations that involve a need for physical intervention at some point in their career.

Whether it is to break up a fight or to stop a child doing something dangerous, these situations require knowledge, training, and expertise in both the legal and physical aspects of bringing about a safe resolution.

I offer training in

  1. The law around physical intervention.
  2. Physical intervention techniques.

“Just wanted to say thank you for your training. When we had the practical part of the training, I really felt I knew the legal aspects to help me make informed choices, and we got full marks in the questionnaire.”
Participant, Physical Restraint Training.

“Avremi, your physical intervention and de-escalating training was amazing.
It was explained and given over in a very clear and dynamic way, which engaged everyone.”
Rabbi Roitenbarg, Principal, Lechu Bonim- Aim Habonim.


I like to look at physical restraint training as a fire extinguisher – having it is a great idea, but it sits at the side and you never use it! Conflict management training is designed to make it less likely that physical restraint would be needed.

The training offers scientific insight into anger and aggression with practical skills to defuse situations. In the course you learn to recognise the stages that people go through during escalations and identify which strategies are appropriate at which stages.

You learn key skills in communication enabling you to reassure and calm agitated people without having to use physical interventions.