My name is Avremi Rosenberg and I am a counsellor and coach. I have been married for 19 years to my wife Batsheva and we have 6 children.  I love walking in the countryside and have a particular interest in renewable energy.

Parents often approach me when they have found their child’s behaviour has become unmanageable. They have often already tried several other interventions. I listen carefully to the stories parents tell. We begin with the existing narrative and explore possibilities for other perspectives. This is the beginning of where the transformation takes place.

I have undertaken a range of professional qualifications both in working with children and families, and in particular behaviour interventions.
My journey began with a Humanistic Integrative Counselling qualification and BACP Accreditation. I became interested in the value of family work and trained as a Systemic practitioner. I have taken specialised training in approaches for managing behavioural and attentional difficulties.
What I do is not put down to one particular skill set but it is the range of qualifications that I have that come together into a holistic model. After a robust and collaborative initial assessment, the extensive range of tools that I draw from provides me with a degree of flexibility in finding workable possibilities.

I work collaboratively with schools and other agencies in bringing about a systemic approach to complex problems.
Although I am not a medical doctor I have a formal cooperation with Dr Giovanni Giaroli and Associates, one of the largest independent child and adolescent psychiatric clinics in the UK and we often work together on complex cases.

I have spared no cost in consulting and training with internationally recognised professionals who are top in their field.

Avremi shows such passion in the NVR approach and his continued engagement with families who are seeking support in managing conflict and harmful behaviours from their child/young person.
He is innovative and creative in coaching parents to utilise NVR, and at the same time he remains compassionate towards the care givers and focuses on the child’s needs.

Rachael Aylmer
Accredited NVR Practitioner
Director PartnershipProjects UK Ltd

I have known Avremi Rosenberg for almost 6 years. I have supervised and guided Avremi in his development as a practitioner working with children and families who present with a variety of seriously challenging issues. Avremi has trained and is certified in a number of modalities that help children and families resolve issues and conflicts between them. I am very impressed with his growth and development and his skills as a practitioner. I wholeheartedly encourage people to utilize his professional services.

Rabbi Shimon Russell. L.C.S.W.

Avremi is an excellent colleague and team player, who is easy to talk to and prompt in responding. He strives for the wellbeing of children and their
– Dr Giovanni Giaroli MD MSc PGDipCAT.
– Consultant Child, Adolescent & Adult Psychiatrist
– Medical Director of The Dr Giaroli & Associates Clinic

Who do I work with?

My qualifications give me expertise in counselling and coaching children, adults, and families. The majority of my work is with parent-child dynamics. I support parents in exploring approaches to meet their child’s needs. The dynamic of ‘parent and child’ relationships can also feature in other relationships where my work can be helpful in moving from conflict to resolution.

3 common themes in the people I work with are:

  1. People who are ready and willing to make changes.
  2. People who want to see a bright future. I help people to rediscover their passion for life.
  3. Children and families whose brilliance has been dulled by circumstances and misunderstanding.

How do I help people?

I work with my clients on searching for a deeper sense of meaning in their relationships with their internal world and those around them. We may look at:

  • Understanding the enormous and important power that parents have and recognising that parents are the most important relationship that the child has. It is parents who often can be the most effective ‘therapeutic’ relationship to help the child heal.
  • The emotional and psychological games in relationships.
  • How to move away from running your child’s life, controlling, or being controlled by your child.
  • Parents’ mental health and wellbeing, which is crucial for them to be able to provide the safety, security and nurturance their children need. In order for parents to be able to provide their child with the 4 Ss they need to be in a good place themselves.
  • Developing an understanding of conditions such as ADHD, Autism, anxiety disorders, trauma and attachment disorders and how you, your child, or other loved ones are being affected by it.
  • Developing a helpful understanding of how people with these challenges can be helped.


The vital human need for healthy nurturing relationships begins before we are born and continues throughout our lives. The first important relationship with our parents, with whom we hopefully form a healthy attachment, sets a trend for future relationships.

In a healthy attachment, parents embrace their child with the feeling that they are:


This is also known as the ‘4 Ss’.

  • Relationships are like air and water. We need them. They make us who we are, and affect how we feel, what we think of ourselves and who we become.
  • I am both intrigued and guided by the tangible link between attachment and behaviour.
  • I invite my clients to play with the art of experimentation. Experimentation gives people freedom. With experiment there is no fail; either it works which is great, or it doesn’t work, and something has been learned. We try things out and have fun. Nobody needs to worry that it may not work, as of course there will be some excellent techniques that will not fit for you. The solution for you may be a strategy that has never yet been tried!

‘I am amazed by Avremi’s broad knowledge and clarity alongside his passion and drive to help his clients succeed.’
Teacher of Assessed Child


Training & Qualifications

  • Advanced Diploma in Humanistic Integrative Counselling 2009 -2O12
  • ADDCA Certified ADHD Coach 2019 – 2021
  • BACP Accreditation since 2014
  • NFPS Qualified Trainer in Physical Restraint 2020
  • NFPS Qualified Trainer in Conflict Management 2021
  • Advanced Certificate in NVR Practice 2023
  • Certificate in ADOS 2 Clinical Reliability 2023

Additional Trainings & Specialities

  • Birmingham NHS CAMHS Training in Family Therapy and Systemic Practice 2017 – 2019
  • Partnership Projects Training in NVR focused practice 2020 and 2022
  • Workshops for Non-directive Play Therapy (Place2Be) 2011
  • Diploma in Counselling Children and Adolescents 2013
  • Short course in Gestalt Approach to Working with Children and Adolescents 2013
  • Training in working with victims of sexual abuse 2018
  • Training in working with perpetrators of sexual abuse 2018
  • Training in supporting people with ASD and their families.
  • Training in administering the ADOS 2 and 3DI (autism diagnostic tools) 2022 – 2023

Employment & Experience

  • Secondary school teacher 2008 – 2011, including one year at a specialist school
  • Counsellor at Chai Cancer Care 2012 – 2015
  • School Counsellor at Etz Chaim Secondary School 2011 – 2017
  • Private practice counselling and coaching 2013 – current
  • Delivering training to schools in ASD, ADHD and managing challenging behaviours
  • Approved Shared Lives Carer for vulnerable adults with additional needs 2015 – Current (Nominated Outstanding Carer of the Year Award 2020)